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New Hire Strategy For HR Managers [Tips]

Written by Leslie Ruhland | Sep 12, 2018 4:47:22 PM

The market for workplace talent changes over time with the ups and downs of the job market and economy. But regardless of what phase the market is in, have an effective hiring strategy is a must.


It appears that the job market has heated up recently and the competition for new hires and job talent is stiffer than at other times. There is a record number of open positions currently and it’s likely to be a prospect's market for quite a while now.

In this hiring environment, HR managers are often the people tasked with making sure that their organizations have the best talent they can acquire when they need them. Oftentimes, this means having to develop new and better methods to keep pace with a changing recruiting and hiring environment. Adopting new best practices in recruiting can help in identifying and attracting the best new hires.

Best Practices and New Strategies

A common problem for too many organizations is that their hiring process never changes. In many businesses, recruiting and hiring is still being done the same way it was years ago. While some practices are still useful and relevant, such as background checks, many things have changed even in the last few years.

A few changes that can benefit your hiring process might include the following tips from,

Hire for Cultural Fit
Just as candidate experience matters, so does culture. Even the most highly-skilled candidates will contribute little if they simply don’t buy or fit into the culture that surrounds your company, its leadership and its daily work environment.

Ensure a Speedy Hiring Process
A position that’s open for a long time can prevent your organization from functioning effectively while essential personnel is missing. Meanwhile, long response and consideration times can turn off candidates who will receive other, more desirable job offers in the meantime.

Other suggestions are to incorporate video "preview" interviews for candidates to help minimize the time spent in live, in-person interviews and phone interviews. 

Other considerations for improving your organization's hiring process involve the way your business is seen and perceived by prospective candidates. Like it or not, it is a competitive market when it comes to finding and acquiring new talent. In order to compete well, businesses need to be seen as relevant and engaging, as well as authentic and transparent.

Here are a few tips from for putting your company's "best face" out there in the market,

Build your brand. Your employment brand is more important than ever. Glassdoor reported that 69% of candidates will not take a job from an employer with a poor reputation, even if they are unemployed. Focus on enhancing your brand through social media and your website... Be authentic and honest in how you present your organization.

Think like a marketer. Traditional marketing efforts focus on sales, but in today’s recruiting environment, those same principles need to be applied to generating qualified candidates. Build your job posts with the candidate in mind. Sell your organization and state clearly what makes you special and why you are a great place to work. 

Get social. If you haven't been embracing the social media platforms, it’s time to start. Facebook provides free job posts that are easy to create and share. Use Twitter to spread the word about your organization and your open positions.

While many organizations tend to think of recruiting and hiring as strictly an "HR function", the best companies will incorporate a broad alliance of employees and resources to build and maintain a dynamic and holistic approach to finding, acquiring and training new hires.

Forbes magazine offers some valuable insights into some best practices that can help make this type of approach effective,

Craft new-hire 'personas.'
Personas outline the unique qualities needed for different positions, and for the organization. These go beyond standard education, years of experience and specific expertise requirements. Personas get to the ideal candidate who will succeed in the role and the organization.

Consider it an inside job.
People who are high performers in your organization understand what it takes to succeed, and they often know others who would fit your open positions. One way to tap this potential is with hiring panels consisting of recent hires who have exceeded expectations in their first months of employment.

Go back to school.
Whether you have a formal internship or professional development program, or a need to hire for entry-level positions, having strong relationships with colleges and universities will help you recruit young talent. Focus on a few key schools that are either nearby or that focus on degrees or courses your employees will need.

New Hire Acquisition as a Strategy

The same Forbes article noted that at the end of April 2018, U.S. businesses were operating with a record 6.6 million unfilled jobs according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Consequently, recruiting and acquiring new hires has become a priority for many businesses and their HR staffs.

In addition, a recent study reported that almost 75 percent of U.S. workers are actively looking for a new job. This means that, in addition to the pressure of filling existing open positions, keeping current workers is becoming more difficult. Much like the challenge for finding and keeping customers, businesses must engage in smart acquisition and retention practices for employees, as well.

The Forbes pieces goes on to note that,

"Clearly, the war for skilled talent is on, and today’s HR professionals need to get as creative as possible to compete. Traditional techniques for filling your candidate pipeline may not be getting the results they used to, especially if you have openings that require specialized skills, knowledge or experience. Chances are, other organizations in your industry are also looking for similar candidates."

Your Professional Team Partners for HR Management

Along with making wise hiring decisions, a key strategy for reducing overhead, employee costs, and streamlining operations is to outsource many of the time consuming and labor intensive processes. For most businesses, the most strategic option is to outsource their payroll management functions.

A professional agency such a Accuchex can provide much-needed help with Human Resources needs and questions. Accuchex is a full spectrum Payroll Management Services provider offering expertise in Time Management, Insurance and Retirement issues, as well.

If you are looking for reliable resource for your HR issues, we can help. Get your Free Download: Payroll Outsourcing Guide to help you make an informed decision, or call Accuchex Payroll Management Services at 877-422-2824.